Wednesday 10 June 2020

How People Use Water at Work

Water is used daily in many different ways. Yesterday you made a list of how families use water at home and how water is used for fun. Maybe some of you even used water for fun yesterday during the hot day! Perhaps you went for a swim, played in the sprinkler, or tossed water balloons.

Water is also used everyday for work. One important way water is put to work is for hydro-electricity. This form of electricity is made by changing the energy from falling (moving) water into electricity. Below is a photograph of a reservoir at a pump generating station near Niagara Falls. The energy from the rushing water pouring over Niagara Falls everyday is changed (converted) into electricity. This use of water is extremely important as it provides a clean, renewable, and reliable energy source.

Water is used in many other ways for work. Ask your Mom or Dad how they use water for work. Brainstorm ways around the world that water is used for work. 

Make a list of how people use water for work.

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