Tuesday 2 June 2020

More About Water

Think back to our Liquids and Solids Science unit. We learned that water comes in three forms, or states of matter. What are these 3 states of matter?

Did you remember that the 3 states of matter are liquid, solid, and gas? Most of the water we use is liquid. A liquid can be poured. A liquid changes shape when it is poured into a container. 

Sometimes we use water as a solid. Water becomes solid when it freezes. It is called ice. Ice is hard. It cannot be poured. You can pick it up and move a solid.

Water can be a gas. Water evaporates and changes into vapour when it is heated. Vapour is a gas. You cannot always see the gas in the air. For example, water turns to a gas as it evaporates from clothes drying on a clothesline. 

Print the numbers 1-8 on a piece of paper. Write the state of water for each example.

1. hail
2. fog
3. clothes drying
4. rain
5. ice
6. frost
7. snow
8. dew

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