Monday 15 June 2020

Water Saving Ideas

It's time to design a poster! This will be our last activity for the Air and Water science unit.  We have learned that humans use a lot of water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning each day. Water is used at home, at work, and for fun. There are ways that we can use water wisely without waste. Here are a few ideas:

Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth or scrub your hands. Turn it back on only for rinsing.

Take short showers.

Make sure you have a full load before using the dishwasher.

Turn off the tap tightly after you use it. Small drips waste water.

Design a poster on tips for saving water. Pick one way your family can improve on saving water. Get a large piece of paper. Print in large letters the water saving rule. Add pictures to illustrate how to follow the rule. Make the poster colourful and appealing to catch everyone's eye. Place your poster where it will be seen by all family members. We can all make a difference in using water wisely!

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